The application of bitumen is usually a two coat process, particularly for use in residential & light commercial areas that cater for standard vehicles and pedestrians. In the case of heavy traffic areas where trucks & heavy machinery are in constant use, it may be recommended that you apply a third coat.
The solid base prepared by the process mentioned in our earlier section is now ready for sealing.
The standard application method is by way of hot spray sealing. This is not applied by hand which can result in uneven coverage causing problems, but accomplished by the use of a controlled distribution truck or tanker equipped with spray bars to allow a consistant and exact even coverage of bitumen heated to the correct temperature to the surface being sprayed.
After the surface is sprayed with hot bitumen as detailed above, aggregate is evenly spread by way of controlled constant release from the attached spreader box afixed to the tip truck carrying the aggregate. The aggregate, whether 10mL, 12mL or 14mL adheres to the hot surface.
The aggregate is then compacted into the bitumen by use of a vibrating roller.
This process will be repeated for the number of seals that you have been quoted for and agreed upon.
There are coloured cover stones available if you want to create an individual appearance to your surface.
It is normal for the finished surface to have a light cover of loose stone on top, this is necessary to allow the bitumen to cure underneath. These stones will roll into the bitumen surface as it is used. Any remaining stones after a two week period can simply be swept off.